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Edinborough Chinese Chillie Paste 325g


  • Product details of Edinborough Chinese Chillie Paste – Pet 325g.

    • Seasoning blends may be dry or wet. Dry blends contain only herbs and spices mixed together.
    • Among the simplest and most common of dry blends are garlic salt and onion salt mixtures.
    • Wet blends include some sort of liquid, often a kind of vinegar or oil, or both.
    • Ketchup and mustard are two of the most prevalent wet seasonings.

    • Seasoning blends may be dry or wet. Dry blends contain only herbs and spices mixed together.
    • Among the simplest and most common of dry blends are garlic salt and onion salt mixtures.
    • Wet blends include some sort of liquid, often a kind of vinegar or oil, or both.
    • Ketchup and mustard are two of the most prevalent wet seasonings.
    • Others include Tabasco sauce, soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce.
    • A common Indian spice blend is curry, erroneously believed to be an individual spice from the curry plant.
    • Curry comes in a number of dry blends, including red curry, yellow curry and green curry, as well as a liquid curry paste.


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