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Edinborough Mango Chutney 200g


        • Product details of Edinborough Mango Chutney (200g)

          • Recognized brand & best quality.
          • Brand – Kist.
          • Ready to Eat.
          • Spicy and Sweet.
          • True to authentic taste.

          Chutney is a spicy, chutney condiment which has a chunky consistency, a unique blend of sweet and sour flavors and an amber brown/tan color. It should be used at room temperature. Chutney can be thinned with warm water or a light, sweet wine. It can also be added and/or cooked with many types of sauces or glazes. Chutney is a mind-blowing fusion of fiery red chillies and pungent ginger-garlic with the tingly buzz of Schezwan pepper and exotic Oriental spices. This super versatile Chutney can be relished in three different ways: DIP, SPREAD OR COOK!


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